Its a dog park
Bull Creek
- 3/3/2007
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Distance: 2.00 Miles
Duration: N/A
Lots and lots and lots and lots of dogs. Some that are nice, some that well...need to go to obedience school.
I got to about the second underpass and then discovered that they were doing trail work and had closed the rest of the way. The trails seem to very open, as dogs and people have trampled all over the surroundings, so the natural beauty is somewhat lacking here. Sad...
Love it!
Ann and Roy Butler Hike & Bike Trail
- 2/16/2007
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Distance: 4.00 Miles
Duration: N/A
My favorite trail for a Saturday morning. Go run for a 4 miles and then stop off at the Farmers Market on Congress.
Not really a hiking trail per se, more of a trendy place to work out and enjoy Austin.
Wild Basin
- 2/15/2007
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Distance: 3.00 Miles
Duration: N/A
Only saw 3 or 4 people the entire time. Parking can be difficult, so be prepared. I thought that the trails were hard to navigate at first, but once you get away from the visitor center they are very well laid out.
Hard at first
Barton Creek - Upper North
- 1/15/2007
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Distance: 4.00 Miles
Duration: N/A
Wow, that first quarter mile is a killer, especially if you turn around and have to finish up with that hill again.
It was fun, but a lot of inconsiderate bikers (my gf got hit by one of them).
Lake Bryan
- 8/1/2005
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Distance: 3.00 Miles
Duration: N/A
Okay so I cheated and rode my bike on the trails, but it was still quite enjoyable. Hardly anybody knows of this little gem, and I saw a total of 3 people the entire time I was there. Nice trails, although at times hard to follow, are well kept. Not too much wildlife, but a good afternoon nonetheless.