LVX's Logbook

Total Log Entries: 13 (Rank: 38th)  [List Them]  [Map Them]
Total Distance: 74.84 Miles (Rank: 31st)
Average Distance: 5.76 Miles

Average Rating: 3point5stars (3.82)
Average Difficulty: 2point5stars (2.82)
Average Solitude: 3stars (3.28)

Earliest Log Entry: 10/15/2005
Latest Log Entry: 2/19/2011

Average ratings are based on the published values and not the values entered in your own log entries.

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Log Entries
Great afternoon hike!
River Place Nature Trail - 2/19/2011  [View Log Page]
Rating: 4stars Difficulty: 3stars Solitude: 3stars
Distance: 6.00 Miles Duration: N/A

I will say I was a little skeptical after reading about this trail.  So close to Austin and I had never been there before.  Only moderately difficult so it was pleasant afternoon.

I am not sure why it says elevation gain 1800 ft.  I did not record anything like that...

Balcones Canyonlands NWR - Doeskin Ranch - 3/15/2008  [View Log Page]
Rating: 3stars Difficulty: 2stars Solitude: 4stars
Distance: 5.00 Miles Duration: 3 minutes
Treks parts we had never seen before
Walnut Creek Park - 5/5/2007  [View Log Page]
Rating: 5stars Difficulty: 1star Solitude: 3stars
Distance: 6.00 Miles Duration: 2 hours, 10 minutes
Going after the numerous caches in the park gave us the opportunity to hike portions of the park we had never been to before. Great day; everything was very lush.....
Enjoyable Quiet Hike
Balcones Canyonlands NWR - Doeskin Ranch - 4/24/2007  [View Log Page]
Rating: 3stars Difficulty: 1star Solitude: 4stars
Distance: 3.49 Miles Duration: 1 hour, 25 minutes
It is a very easy hike but makes for a nice afternoon if you don't want anything to strenuous. thanks
Had no idea it would be so cool...
Comanche Bluff Trail - 4/20/2007  [View Log Page]
Rating: 4stars Difficulty: 3stars Solitude: 4stars
Distance: 5.00 Miles Duration: 3 hours
We went out to Granger lake because we were looking for a geocache. We had no idea that it would be so cool. It was very wet and muddy but we didn't care.