slipline's Logbook

Total Log Entries: 1 (Rank: 454th)  [List Them]  [Map Them]
Total Distance: 8.50 Miles (Rank: 375th)
Average Distance: 8.50 Miles

Average Rating: 3point5stars (3.67)
Average Difficulty: 2stars (2.22)
Average Solitude: 3stars (3.10)

Earliest Log Entry: 3/26/2004
Latest Log Entry: 3/26/2004

Average ratings are based on the published values and not the values entered in your own log entries.

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Log Entries
Pleasant Trail , Lots of visitors
Bastrop State Park - Lost Pines Trail - 3/26/2004  [View Log Page]
Rating: N/A Difficulty: 3point5stars Solitude: 2stars
Distance: 8.50 Miles Duration: N/A
This is a great hike if your looking for a good workout. The various ponds and plant life are fun to stop and admire. This is made difficult by the ammount of traffic on the trail. There were many folks out on the saturday we did our hike. PLenty of trail runners, other hikers, and tons of boy scouts. Dont go here looking for privacy. Overall nice trail with good scenery. Definately does not look like the Austin area.