Great Park
Walnut Creek Park
- 7/14/2008
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Distance: 5.00 Miles
Duration: 1 hour, 35 minutes
I just got back from a hike at Walnut Creek Park and I have to say that it's a fun place. Lots of trails that cross each other often giving a hiker the ability to choose whatever length trail they desire. For example, I hiked for an hour and a half, when I was done I just headed back at the next fork and was back in my car ten minutes later. I never walked over the same section of trail twice and there are still a bunch of trails left to explore. Sure the trails are geared towards the mountain bikers somewhat but they are still perfectly hike-able. The park has a great variety of plants from dense walls of brush to stands of bamboo to open meadows and thickets of cedar. What the park lacks in up an down difficulty it more than makes up for in accessibility and length of trails. I went on a Monday afternoon and I saw no bikers and only two other hikers.
Fun, but mark the trails!
Commons Ford Park
- 7/10/2008
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Distance: 4.00 Miles
Duration: 1 hour
Went out to Commons Ford park today for a hike. It was reputed to have a 4/5 hardness and some waterfalls. Well the waterfalls weren't there but then I didn't really expect to find them flowing in July so that was no big deal. I also heard that the trails aren't well marked and this is true. I wandered around the old ranch and down by the lake then up the hill until it becam private property. I walked into the wooded area following what appeared to be a trail of sorts but this quickly came to a halt. I saw a snake but it was no rattler or water moccasin, I just waked around it. Down the hill toward the road I met the waterfall trail. At least I assume that's what it was it stopped by some places that obviously have waterfalls at some point in the year. The trail kinda stopped at what would have been a good sized waterfall a couple months ago. I didn't know that the trail ended so I walked around trying to find the trail, eventually ending up some two miles outside the park on private property. I'd say to make sure to stay on marked trails but there weren't any. Oh well, I had fun. I wouldn't give the trail a 4/5 toughness though, I hiked it in under an hour with a forty pound pack, in ninety five degree weather and I only used a third of my three liter camelback. Try hiking McKittrick Canyon and see if this was even close. Once again, I still had fun, just not as difficult as I desired.
Enchanted rock summit
Enchanted Rock
- 7/5/2008
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Distance: 1.50 Miles
Duration: 2 hours, 30 minutes
Hiked this last weekend with a friend of mine. Probably picked the worst weekend to go, the day after the fourth of July. Lots of people but fun as always. I usually start hiking the rock by going up the summit trail, standing on the marker and coming down a different route. This time we came down the back side crawling along the top of the "cave". My friend had a bit of a hard time of it becuase he was sore but it seemed quite a light hike to me. But then I spent the last six weeks hiking nearly every day and for ten hours a day, so I might be a bit more used to it.