grayswandir's Logbook

Total Log Entries: 1 (Rank: 454th)  [List Them]  [Map Them]
Total Distance: 9.50 Miles (Rank: 339th)
Average Distance: 9.50 Miles

Average Rating: 3stars (3.09)
Average Difficulty: 1point5stars (1.80)
Average Solitude: 2stars (2.38)

Earliest Log Entry: 1/11/2003
Latest Log Entry: 1/11/2003

Average ratings are based on the published values and not the values entered in your own log entries.

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Log Entries
Nice hike w/ some good views
Lake Mineral Wells State Park and Trailway - 1/11/2003  [View Log Page]
Rating: N/A Difficulty: 1point5stars Solitude: 1star
Distance: 9.50 Miles Duration: N/A
Approx 2.5mi is foot only w/ the first .5mi rugged and approx 300ft el. change, down then back up. Trail is clearly defined. Park is busy in the summer and on the usual holidays but was quiet this weekend. There are primitave sites for overnighting it. There is also a 20 mi. trail from Mineral Wells to Weatherford, I havent done all of it yet but I'll let you know