Why not?
Falcon State Park
- 5/7/2009
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Distance: 3.00 Miles
Duration: 1 minute
The focal point of the park is of course Falcon Lake, the trail is sort of an afterthought. It's a nice little walk with labeled flora for hikers of any age or almost any physical condition. Though the park can get crowded the trail stays relatively visitor free except for the occasional birder during the winter months.
Who hasn't been to Garner?
Garner State Park
- 5/7/2009
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Distance: 5.50 Miles
Duration: 2 hours, 30 minutes
Hiking at Garner can be as easy or as difficult as you want it to be. I've done marked trails with my tiny niece and slighty larger nephew and a bunch of out of shape folks. For more of a challenge get off the trails and try some of the cliff faces and I always like to try and get myself lost on the hills that are more like mini-mountains. It's good hiking and if you get off the trails it really opens up alot more opportunities.
Better than nothing
Arroyo Hike & Bike Trail
- 5/7/2008
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Distance: 2.00 Miles
Duration: 1 hour, 30 minutes
I used to jog this urban/ city trail almost daily because I lived near it. My truck was broken into once while parked at the local park the trail head is at, so some bad memories there. All in all it's a cool place to get some excercise after work if you live nearby.