Good Water Trail
- 2/1/2006
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Distance: 2.90 Miles
Duration: N/A
In responce to the person who started at Jim Hogg Park and hiked toward G-town on pavement:
From Jim Hogg to Overlook Park, the next park to the east, is natural surface, singletrack trail all 2.9 miles. From Overlook Park toward the city is the Rivery Trail, a 5.5 mile section composed of crished stone, sidewalk-like pavement, and blacktop. It reads like you started at Overlook Park and took the Rivery Trail below the dam, not the Goodwater Trail that circumnavigates the lake.
Beautiful short hike
Good Water Trail
- 9/20/2004
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Rating: N/A

Distance: 4.30 Miles
Duration: N/A
This section of trail I hiked is the newest extension of the Goodwater Trail. It starts in Russell Park & ends at Jim Hogg Park. It includes lake views, a rolling crown switchback, an armored creek crossing, an old rock wall, and the typical limestone, cedar, and cacti. This section was built & is well maintained by the Austin RIdge Riders Mountain Bike Club. The next extension between Jim Hogg and Overlook Park starts in October and will complete the loop around the lake. For more info, contact me at