Best trail in N. Texas
Cross Timbers Trail
- 6/7/2006
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Distance: 12.00 Miles
Duration: N/A
This trail is a pleasant surprise for the North Texas area. It's an hour and a half from Dallas and the terrain is both fun and challenging. It goes up and down, next to cliffs, by the lake, and into the middle of no where. I hikeed from Juniper point to the five-mile camp and then did the lost loop trail. It was very enjoyable, and the swim in the lake rejuvinates the legs. Make sure you go early in the morning in summer before the heat really comes out, I was caught still hiking around noon and was drenched with sweat. (It was 95 by then)I went during the week and never a single person on the trail, and only saw 2 or 3 boats on the lake.
Just a great view
Mount Bonnell
- 5/30/2006
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Rating: N/A
Difficulty: N/A
Solitude: N/A
Distance: 0.30 Mile
Duration: N/A
You saw it on Real World-Austin so go see the view.
Nice walk
San Marcos River Walkway
- 5/30/2006
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Rating: N/A
Difficulty: N/A
Solitude: N/A
Distance: 2.00 Miles
Duration: N/A
I went to college her and have walked the trail many times. Mainly to go from swimming hole to swimming hole. Also a good place for a cheap first date or cheap any date.
Zilker Park - Botanical Gardens
- 5/30/2006
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Rating: N/A
Difficulty: N/A
Solitude: N/A
Distance: 1.00 Mile
Duration: N/A
Had my engagement pictures done here. It was beautiful in the spring with the flowers.
Inks Lake State Park
- 5/30/2006
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Rating: N/A
Difficulty: N/A
Distance: 7.00 Miles
Duration: N/A
Never do this hike in the summer. It's hot and the trail is a bit confusing so tempers can get out of hand. My group of 4 split up at one point due to an arguement. Devil's water hole was fun though jumping off the cliffs.