Hiking Details
St. Edwards Park
- 8/1/2009
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Distance: 4.00 Miles
Duration: 2 hours
I lead a group and we decided at the 3 trail decision point to go to the right and it took us about 45 minutes out until we came to a low water crossing and didn't see the trail head; its up close to the road on your left.
Finally, we had water last night and saw a few turtles in and around the stream (more of a pond due to drought) and one small baby turtle on the bank.
There was also a snake that I stepped over so be careful. My dogs loved the hike and even though the water wasn't great right now it's still a very solitute hike and we didn't see anyone until later in the hike (around 8:30am).
After I got back to the parking lot some mountain bikers were coming and I was told you can also ride horses on the trail. I think the early you go the better chance you have of seeing wildlife.