10 feet until the next cedar tree
Guadalupe River State Park
- 11/20/2006
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Distance: 6.20 Miles
Duration: N/A
Big let down. One place in 6 miles that you get any kind of a view and it last for about 200 yards then back to cedar trees. 95% of the trail, you can only see a few feet in front of you. Solitude was nice but you are basically walking on a horse trail...and all that goes with it. (hold your nose) We do a lot of hikes and this was the worst one we have ever done. I am saying this so clearly so that you will not drive for two hours to go on some awesome adventure and find this when you get there, like we did.
two hikes in one...rough but awesome!
Milton Reimers Ranch
- 1/23/2006
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Distance: 4.00 Miles
Duration: N/A
Past the first parking area...Go almost to the river to park. There are trash cans and a small parking area there just before the road takes a huge dive. Mark this waypoint...Part 1 - solitude: Start your hike here by going down the road and taking a right and follow the dirt road till it ends. Cross the gully and catch up with the trail at the base of the rocks on the bluff. This is the double diamond. Follow that trail until you see your car. Part 2: Then walk back to the first parking area -lots of people- (you will see the Alamo on the way). The first parking area is where the Grotto is. Walk down it and then go to the left and puddle around. Watch the mountain climbers. Then go back the other way. Down river. It gets pretty rough but you will find a way to get up and back about 150 yards from your car(waypoint). So much to see. Take a camera and binoculars. You will do this several times...a real 5 star hike.
Lots of views, excellent rock formations
Inks Lake State Park
- 1/21/2006
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Distance: 5.70 Miles
Duration: N/A
We hiked from the trailhead and then went left at each junction. At the junction of the red and yellow (go left on the small yellow trail), go on top of the granite mound and you will have views of the castle. Take binoculars, this hike gives you lots of long views. We took the yellow trail over to the second red trail then over to blue trail then cut left onto the green trail back to the trailhead. Get a hiking map at the ranger desk. On the large blue trail there is a canyon with a powerline crossing it. You can cut across there and connect back to the trail. If you are adventuresome. You will see some neat deer blinds and great rock formations that make you stop and think "how did they get here like that?". Look at all the spanish daggers ( the large yucca plants) there is one near the end of the blue trail that is about 12-14 feet tall. It is something to see. We took a lunch on the large granite flat just past the second crossing of the powerline overlooking the lake. Overall, Really nice. Many places along the way, you have that feeling that a cougar could jump out of the rocks...it is really cool.
Watch out for bikes and nosey dogs
Barton Creek - Upper North
- 12/17/2005
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Distance: 7.00 Miles
Duration: N/A
There are far better places to hike around this town. The people are friendly but the number of bikers(going way too fast) and the wandering dogs...just not our thing. Pretty trail but we have much more to offer around Austin. It would help if the water was running, but then we would have even more bikes and dogs. The trail is such that you usually dont have long views in front or behind you...it makes you pretty nervouse when a bike comes up on you, on a 10 inch wide trail, traveling as fast as the guy can go...Cudos to thier skill and courteousness. Unless you live a mile away, find a better hike or get a dog and a bike.
Super fun, easy , great terrain, no people
Buescher State Park
- 11/27/2005
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Distance: 7.00 Miles
Duration: N/A
Cushy pine needles soft under your feet with a top canopy of pines that shade most of the trail. Look at the baby pines along the trail and listen to the quiet. The trail is easy to follow if you get a map at the ranger station. The pipeline that I read such bad reviews about is great! It is now just an open stretch on the trail. We took the kids (17 and 12) on this one. It turned out to be the easiest hike we have taken. Hardly any people and it is super cool country. So different than the rocky trails we are used to. The park is great too! Don't miss going to the dam and goofing around there at the lake. I am taking my fishing pole next time! Be sure to stop in Bastrop for some good mexican food on the way home.