Beautiful Day, Amazing Views, Goregous SP
Pedernales Falls - 5.5 Mile Loop
- 2/15/2016
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Distance: 5.50 Miles
Duration: 3 hours, 30 minutes
This was a really lovely hike. I didn't really enjoy fording the Pedernales River but after that I really liked the scenery. I took the spur to make the hike longer. It was amazingly beautiful terrain but I did come across fresh feral hog signs. Since I was in total solitued that was a little bit disconcerting. It appears that the pack of hogs moved across the park, N/S direction because I came across additional signs on the nearly directly opposite side of the trail.
One additional thing - the solitude was very nice but became disquieting on the spur. Be aware that there isn't a whole lot of traffic on the spur trail and plan accordingly.
Lovey hike in Lakeway
Hamilton Greenbelt
- 2/6/2016
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Distance: 4.09 Miles
Duration: N/A
Hidden gem in Lakeway. Lovely large granite trail at the beginning, and the primitive trails further in are just beautiful. Some marginally challenging terrain, but nothing lasts very long. Goregous views from some of the rest benches. I can do this hike over and over and enjoy it every time. Can get kind of crowded though.