Big Bend - Emory Peak Trail
- 8/16/2005
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Distance: 9.00 Miles
Duration: N/A
I really enjoyed this hike it made me feel accomplished. I'm a big guy so getting myself plus 60 to 80 pounds on my back up that mountain made me feel like a king. But you better have a good hiking buddy though. Cause I think if you don't have someone there you might be tempted to turn back, I had a Good hiking buddy and still thought about turning back....But we made it....
Big Bend - The Window
- 8/16/2005
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Distance: 5.50 Miles
Duration: N/A
Wow, what a hike! The reward at the end of this hike would make it worth it even if there were ten miles instead of two to get there. The window is beautiful - nice breeze, quiet, everything is great there. Saw a nice black turantula on the way out, a huge scorpion on the way back, and right as we came up towards the beginning of the trail on the way back, we saw a group of wild boar pretty close to us. Definitely recommend this one!( What can I say I totally agree)