Meyer Park
- 3/14/2005
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Distance: 1.00 Mile
Duration: N/A
Dogs are allowed as long as they're on leashes. I'm not sure how far I hiked, but I'd say it was only a mile or two. I started off from the parking lot (on the creek side), headed off towards the small pond, walked around that, then walked along the creek. A great mini-hike for me and my 16-year-old dog!
Burroughs Park
- 2/16/2005
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Distance: 8.00 Miles
Duration: N/A
I haven't been out to Burroughs in a few months, but I used to go pretty regularly. Not sure why there's a "No Dogs" policy listed here, because I've never had a problem bringing my dogs (as long as they're kept on leashes, but the area's not too well patrolled once you get away from the picnic area). The trails are heavily wooded, mostly flat, and the solitude factor largely depends on where you are and what time of day/week/year you're out there, though on a whole, once you get well on the trail, you probably won't run into too many people. The trail eventually leads to a pretty little creek, where my hiking buddy and I often sit to enjoy the view and give the dogs a chance to drink. There's plenty of wildlife: deer, armadillo, snakes (I've seen water moccassins, corals, and copperheads on the trail), and a variety of birds. I've heard there's a bobcat out there, as well as fox, but I've never seen either.
It gets muddy in the rainy months (I'd recommend giving the area a few days to dry after a storm), with a heavy mosquito population, so bring bug spray.
It's a beautiful hike, and I have a ton of fun out there!
Hutcheson Park Hike & Bike Trail
- 12/15/2004
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Distance: 7.00 Miles
Duration: N/A
A nice park with some pretty trails. Wooded trails, some of which come up to the creek. There are a couple of boardwalks in the swampy areas, with benches where you can sit and watch the swamp-life (snakes, turtles, rumors of alligators). I've seen many deer, a couple of armadillos, and some snakes (copperheads and water moccassins). There is a cute reproduction of a frontier homestead on site, and the park offers many presentations and such to view it.
You probably won't run into huge crowds of people once you get on the trails (away from the play ground), but it's a popular place for family hikes and bird watching. If you want to get the most possible solitude, go during a weekday while the kids are in school.
Pretty wildflowers during the season!