Northbound Trail ... disappointing

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User: eeboaz - 1/14/2006

Location: Good Water Trail

Rating: 1star
Difficulty: 1star  Solitude: 1star
Miles Hiked: 3.00 Miles  Elapsed Time: N/A

Comments: Just to prefix this brief write-up, the southbound portion of the trail is closed until 01/23/2006. So, my wife and I hiked a small portion of the northbound trail starting from Jim Hogg and walking towards Georgetown. The "trail" is paved, and except for one section where the trail is quite steep it is ridiculously easy. There were a large number of bicycle riders on this section of trail and with the exception of a couple, most were pretty polite. Still, it was a pretty unenjoyable experience that I'll not be repeating any time soon with the exception of when I decide to circumnavigate the lake.

Area around Good Water Trail