Beautiful and Engaging Hike

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User: austinsuziq - 11/25/2005

Location: Good Water Trail

Rating: 5stars
Difficulty: 3point5stars  Solitude: 2stars
Miles Hiked: 4.00 Miles  Elapsed Time: N/A

Comments: Took the kids to this one too! We only went out about 2 miles in and back...(from the Cedar Breaks Park Trail Head) then they were getting ants in their pants. There were a few climbs and slopes (which my 4 year old LOVED!) The views of the lake were outstanding towards the 2nd mile. It was a bit narrow and I was glad I wore jeans instead of shorts- due to all the brush. I would recommend taking a pack for kids under 4- there are some potentially challenging areas near the cliffs of the lake where I would dare NOT to let my 18 month old down to explore even in the slightest. Once we got back to the 1st mile marker, there was a decent area to put both of them down to rest/drink/snack/etc. Though you do not get to the next official 'park' area until around the 4th mile (called Cedar Hollow Camp)- there are a few decent spots to stop for a moment. It was a great hike... we saw 3 other groups in the hour and a half we were there, which I was suprised by but, it felt very comfortable the entire time. Another thing I liked (from a 'moms point of view') is at the main entrance, they ask for you to sign in- with everyone's names and info. that are in the car- for safety purposes. As far as water... they do tell you in the map to bring water with you- as there are no facilities until approx. 8 miles in (at the Tejas area) Enjoy!!!!

Area around Good Water Trail