quiet walk right in town

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User: manwithdog - 1/24/2005

Location: Country Club Creek Trail

Difficulty: halfstar  Solitude: 3stars
Miles Hiked: 2.50 Miles  Elapsed Time: N/A

Comments: This trail is flat as can be so would be great for anyone breaking in their new hiking boots/shoes. There was a crew working near part of the trail and Willow got to meet the crew's dog (which added to her overall scoring of the trail). Easily filled a bag with trash and felt guilty about not having more bags with me. It does get a LOT cleaner once you're away from the creek near Krieg Field, though, and it was easy to imagine we were farther from downtown than we were. Only saw two other people using the trail so had lots of time to ponder life's mysteries.

Area around Country Club Creek Trail