nice, but HOT

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User: Sunshinedog - 6/21/2014

Location: Good Water Trail

Rating: 3point5stars
Difficulty: 2point5stars  Solitude: 2point5stars
Miles Hiked: 15.00 Miles  Elapsed Time: N/A


I have done different sections at different times.  It is rough in spots, about first 2 miles in from TH you will run into hikers, walkers, runners in the early morning, but not many others after that.  The rocky parts at the beggining will kill you and your dogs feet.

After mile 2 there is about a mile of prairie opening that will bake your skin and brain-  I call it the death mile in the summer, but then you come the springs- even in the drought there is enough cold water trickle down the ferns to make life enjoyable again.

Area around Good Water Trail