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User: Motoman - 3/6/2010

Location: Onion Creek District Park

Rating: 5stars
Difficulty: 4stars  Solitude: 4stars
Miles Hiked: 15.00 Miles  Elapsed Time: N/A


my friend and I rode bicycles to the park as we approached the "leash free dog park" so it say's in spray paint on the ground,so that makes it official right??? not. both of the man's dogs ran up to my friend and I in the street as the man was yelling for his dogs to come back they didn't listen one of them bit onto my friends pants,he had to kick the dog to get it away. Then there was confliction between the guy and us,not cool! There is a playground right there as well,what if that guy's dogs decide to go over there and bite one of the kids??? Leash free dog parks should have a cyclone fence around them like the one at 35 and riverside! For the dog and human safety!

Area around Onion Creek District Park