Primitive Hike camp
Pedernales Falls State Park
- 1/22/2010
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Distance: 9.00 Miles
Duration: N/A
Logged a total of 9 miles in the Wolf Mt. area. Was out for a 2 night trip. Hiked in Friday night, day hiked Sat. and hiked out Sunday.
Nowhere near as solitary as it used to be. 10 years ago you might see one or two people out there. Saturday afternoon day hiking, the front of the primitive area looked like a car camp. Tents everywhere.
We camped at the very rear and only had one group about 100 yards off so it wasn't too bad. Still an awesome park to hike.
Burroughs Park
- 10/14/2009
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Distance: 4.00 Miles
Duration: N/A
I've taken my 2 yr old daughter out here several times in a backpack carrier. We usually hike back to Cypress Creek, then back out to the parking lot. Mosquitos are really bad towards the back of the park.
OK hike and it's close to home. Great time with my daughter. Always see at least a bike or two on the trail but it's never crowded.
LSHT - Richards Loop
Lone Star Hiking Trail - Wilderness Section
- 9/26/2009
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Distance: 6.10 Miles
Duration: N/A
My brother in law and I did this loop a few weeks ago. My first time on the LSHT (his first time hiking) and I was pleasantly surprised. I've avoided this trail for a while thinking that it would be thick underbrush amongst pines.
The trail was well marked and maintained. Most of this loop was pine forests, but the forest was open enough in many areas to see several hundred yards. Very open but still shaded well. Passed several ponds along the way. Great hike all around. Didn't see a single sole all morning.