joshthegreat's Logbook

Total Log Entries: 2 (Rank: 282nd)  [List Them]  [Map Them]
Total Distance: 8.75 Miles (Rank: 368th)
Average Distance: 4.38 Miles

Average Rating: 3point5stars (3.82)
Average Difficulty: 3stars (3.25)
Average Solitude: 2point5stars (2.82)

Earliest Log Entry: 9/24/2010
Latest Log Entry: 9/27/2010

Average ratings are based on the published values and not the values entered in your own log entries.

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Log Entries
River Place Nature Trail - 9/27/2010  [View Log Page]
Rating: 4point5stars Difficulty: 4point5stars Solitude: 3point5stars
Distance: 6.00 Miles Duration: N/A

Entered at the "upper" part, went halfway( I think around 3 miles) than turned around. Be prepared for a lot of stairs.

Going half way and turning around took almost 3 hours. If you would like a challenge, go the entire length, this should help prepare one for a more regirous trail.

Great time btw :D

Perfect park
Eisenhower Park - 9/24/2010  [View Log Page]
Rating: 4stars Difficulty: 3stars Solitude: 3stars
Distance: 2.75 Miles Duration: N/A

I love this place! It is close to my house and I like how they pack so many different types of trails in such a small area. I tend to avoid the paved trail though, which also is the most heavily used. Good place to go for beginner hikers and vets alike.