Awesome little experience!
Big Bend - Santa Elena Canyon
- 12/13/2004
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Distance: 1.70 Miles
Duration: N/A
This little hike was very refreshing as you go along this inlet from the Rio Grande and the surrounding desert, and the foliage gets greener and greener, the temperature gradually getting cooler, to where you wouldn't even think you're in the desert anymore. I couldn't get over how lush it was and how different it was than the rest of what we experienced at Big Bend.
Great hike with a wonderful view at the end
Big Bend - The Window
- 12/12/2004
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Distance: 5.00 Miles
Duration: N/A
This hike let me and my friends know that we were a little out of shape, since this is supposed to be one of the easiest trails. The terrain's easy, but the distance factor started to make us tired. Regardless, the cool breeze coming through the window itself and the water flowing down, made the view wonderful.
Great for the rock formations
Big Bend - Grapevine Hills
- 12/11/2004
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Distance: 2.20 Miles
Duration: N/A
The standing rock formations of this trail are what it's all about, and at the end is the signature gigantic hanging rock.