Must Hike!
Guadalupe Peak Trail
- 8/12/2005
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Distance: 8.40 Miles
Duration: N/A
This is the ablolute best hike in Texas. If you live in Texas and hike, you must visit The Guadalupe Mountains National Park. This hike has it all. The trail is well established, the scenery is great, and the view from "the top of Texas" is unbeatable. Plus once you get to the tree line, it gets much cooler. There are several other hikes in the park but this one is a must.
Texas Waterpark
Bull Creek
- 7/15/2005
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Distance: 4.00 Miles
Duration: N/A
My wife and I hiked this trail in the middle of summer and we were very happy to be able to get into the creek at several spots. The trail was a well established and it crosses the creek a few times. We enjoyed the scenery and the fact that we were so close to water. The only bad thing I have to say is that there was litter at a couple of spots. (I guess it's the younger crowd) But still a truly enjoyable experience.