True10's Logbook

Total Log Entries: 4 (Rank: 147th)  [List Them]  [Map Them]
Total Distance: 24.50 Miles (Rank: 144th)
Average Distance: 6.13 Miles

Average Rating: 3stars (3.33)
Average Difficulty: 1point5stars (1.85)
Average Solitude: 2point5stars (2.85)

Earliest Log Entry: 7/15/2011
Latest Log Entry: 8/22/2011

Average ratings are based on the published values and not the values entered in your own log entries.

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Log Entries
Flat but scenic
Elm Fork Preserve - 8/22/2011  [View Log Page]
Rating: 4stars Difficulty: 1star Solitude: 4stars
Distance: 2.00 Miles Duration: N/A

If your looking for a difficult hilly hike this is not it. Flat but has some nice views. The pond is large and it has some good viewing areas. I saw 4 armadillos while hikng and some interesting looking birds and butterflies. I could not hear traffic from the highway just the constant hums of cars which is not bad also soccer practice was going on so heard lots of kids and coaches. Hiked the main trail, the pond edge trail and the crossover park of the trail. They were all very nice but I do prefer more of the elevation changing trails.

Overall Great hike
Cedar Ridge Preserve - 8/5/2011  [View Log Page]
Rating: 3stars Difficulty: 4stars Solitude: 3stars
Distance: 10.00 Miles Duration: N/A

Over the past two months I have the entire preserve and some trails twice in reverse. I like the trails especially in this heat wave because there is alot of tree cover but still some great views. The pond was very nice, small but nice. The scenic overlooks were elevated and worth the stop. The trail choices are good if you different lengths and difficulty levels when hiking on a time schedule or health level.

Good and not so much
Cedar Hill State Park - 8/1/2011  [View Log Page]
Rating: 3point5stars Difficulty: 3stars Solitude: 4point5stars
Distance: 9.00 Miles Duration: N/A

Duck Pond and Talala were below average trails at best and the views were not very good. The 3 mi. DORBA trail was great and had views to match. The trail was clearly marked and fun to hike. The Overlook has a great view of Joe Pool Lake and some interesting off the path views. Need to get to the longer DORBA trails time permitting.

Solitude in the city
Windmill Hill Preserve - 7/15/2011  [View Log Page]
Rating: 3stars Difficulty: 2stars Solitude: 3point5stars
Distance: 3.50 Miles Duration: N/A

A nice bit of nature at the crossroads of Duncanville, Cedar Hill and DeSoto. Heard traffic from the street but most of the trails are far enough away that you do not see the traffic. Trails are marked on the ground which is wierd and somewhat hard to follow. I need to go again to finish hiking the entire preserve. Overall a good hike to get away for it all.