Fort Worth Nature Center
- 12/26/2010
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Distance: 6.50 Miles
Duration: N/A
My favorite hike in the DFW area, yes some parts are level, if you want exercise take Canyon RIdge out and back at a decent pace then come back and tell me how level the terrain is, we always see wildlife. Last year in the snow we watched a Great Horned Owl along the Forked Tail Creek trail, from the Boardwalk we have watched Osprey fishing, lots of deer, get away from the Boardwalk and Nature Center for solitude, in such a small area the eco-diversity is amazing, if you get bored go watch the Priarie Dogs or visit the Nature Center
Cedar Ridge Preserve
- 12/26/2010
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Distance: 4.00 Miles
Duration: N/A
Lots of people on Sunday, even though it was muddy and temp. was in the low 40's. Up and down through the creek bottoms, lots of Cedar (as expected), Audobon Society has added nature trail, butterfly garden, education center, very good for families, due to lack of eco-diversity and wildlife I rate it behind Fort Worth Nature Center. but it is a must do hike in DFW area.
Cedar Hill State Park
- 8/8/2009
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Distance: 8.00 Miles
Duration: N/A
The difficulty rating is inflated because it was 102 degrees the day we went, took the 8 mile loop, flat, open, the only other person there when we finished was a tri-athlete working on his trail running, best use for trails is, of course, biking; that is what it is designed for. Good for trail running also. For similiar experience without bikes go to Cedar Ridge Preserve.