Great incidental park

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User: jmm482 - 4/18/2008

Location: Schroeter Park

Rating: 1star
Difficulty: 1star  Solitude: 2stars
Miles Hiked: 0.50 Mile  Elapsed Time: 10 minutes

Building on what figment wrote in the previous post, this is indeed an incidental park.  It has a decent decomposed granite jogging path that attracts a handful of regular users.   The open spaces are not conducive for field sports due to the rock outcrops and uneveness. However, my dog doesn't mind.  There is not much of interest here for the average park goer.  Naturalists might enjoy a quick jaunt to learn what lies beneath.  If you take a walk along the interior paths, take a peek in the bushes at the edge to get a glimpse of a couple solution cavities and enlarged fractures typical of the karst terrain on the Edwards Plateau and a closed depression close to the swing set along the Big Trail street frontage.  Reports allude to the presence of a cave within the park, but according to the City's biologist, it was either filled in or erroneously recorded.  Long-time residents say the swing set now sits on top of the old opening.  Their kids went in it years ago.  There is also a geocahce hidden at the park interior.