Nice Walk by the River

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User: spacecitygirl - 2/3/2007

Location: Georgetown - San Gabriel Trail

Rating: 4stars
Difficulty: 1point5stars  Solitude: 2point5stars
Miles Hiked: 4.00 Miles  Elapsed Time: N/A

Comments: I was surprised to find such a nice park in Georgetown. I started in San Gabriel Park and hiked the North San Gabriel Trail. There were several people in the park, playing games, and fishing, but not as many on the trail. I went west on the trail, until it met a road, near the Georgetown Country Club. The whole trail was paved in concrete, and very well maintained. Most of it looked very new. It crosses over the San Gabriel River 4 times, and leads you through a lot of trees, and past a couple parks. I really enjoyed this trail.

Area around Georgetown - San Gabriel Trail