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User: soltex41 - 8/23/2005

Location: Lake Bryan

Rating: 3stars
Difficulty: 2stars  Solitude: 2point5stars
Miles Hiked: 5.00 Miles  Elapsed Time: N/A

Comments: The main trail loop is on the two damns that make up about 80% of the boundary of the lake. There is a small stretch of trail where one damn ends and you need to follow a county road through a small rural residential area before the trail picks up on the other damn and loops back to the beginning. There are many small loops that branch off the main trail and wind to wooded areas. Several of these side trails are quite nice and there are a few small bridges that cross both dry and wet creeks. Since the main loop is on top of a pretty high earthen damn, it provides for an interesting view over the lake and area countryside. Please note that this trail system was developed mainly for bikes. There is a smaller trail system inside the park itself. These trails have markers that identify some of the trees and other plant life that is found along the trails. Map of the park http://www.lakebryan.net/Portals/bcaf6460-83a0-455d-abd6-44348ed69c2d/mountain_bike_trails.gif