Updated info for Cross Timbers as of 3-7-2016

Saihbreas has not uploaded any photos with this log entry.
User: Saihbreas - 3/7/2016

Location: Cross Timbers Trail

Rating: 4point5stars
Difficulty: 3point5stars  Solitude: 4point5stars
Miles Hiked: 14.50 Miles  Elapsed Time: N/A


With the rains and flooding in 2015, the first portion of the trail has been updated. Updated tracks can be found on trimbleoutdoors.com, using Cross Timbers as search parameters. As an FYI this trail is 14.5 miles in length from the Juniper Point trailhead to the Texoma Marina trailhead. That will be 29 miles out and back.There is also a Facebook group for the Cross Timbers hiker, not to be confused with the Cross Timbers runners group.

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