Trail Is Getting Better!

This butterfly was posing for my girlfriend and showing off her wings!
User: Blaze - 5/24/2015

Location: Spring Creek Greenway

Rating: 1point5stars
Difficulty: 2stars  Solitude: 1star
Miles Hiked: 13.70 Miles  Elapsed Time: 4 hours, 36 minutes


I took my girlfriend out to the Spring Creek Greenway to help her break in her new Salomon boots.  We started at the trailhead in Jesse H. Jones Park and walked out to the Stahl Preserve before turning around and walking back.  I wanted to show her the impressive bald cypress trees in the Stahl Preserve area, but the water level was really high from all the recent rains so the most impressive parts (base of the trunks and all of the "knees") were underwater and not visible.  So, it was a bit of a disappointment, but we got some good mileage in.  My GPS odometer showed we walked 14.14 miles, but the track file only captured 13.7, so I am going to change the interval settings on my GPS to "most often" (instead of "normal") so it'll more precisely capture my distance.  The only downside to increasing the interval is the track file size will be larger, but it shouldn't be a problem since they're small text files that are XML encoded.  What I am not sure of, however, is if the new settings will drain my GPS batteries a lot faster since it'll be doing more work.  I'll keep you guys posted.

I did want to mention, though, that the trail conditions have improved since I last hiked the Spring Creek Greenway.  Some of the poorly maintained or unpaved portions are now nicely paved (asphalt) and they've installed distance markers every 1/10th of a mile.

One of the highlights of our hike was seeing a bald eagle!  It's ironic that in all of my hikes through the mountain wilderness in other states, I've never seen a bald eagle.  Yet, I see one in the Houston area - go figure!

Log Photos
View Of The Trail
Stahl Preserve
Bald Eagle