good dog walk

First creek crossing
Onion Creek is wide and shallow during the wet seasons. Perfect for playing fetch.
User: crocodile235 - 4/19/2015

Location: Onion Creek District Park

Rating: 2stars
Difficulty: 1star  Solitude: 3stars
Miles Hiked: 2.00 Miles  Elapsed Time: N/A


The Austin Parks Foundation website confirms that this is an official off-leash dog park (other than the playground areas, where leashes are required).  The walk to the first creek crossing is 3/4 mile down what is basically a Jeep trail.  From there you can play fetch in the shallow creek, then cross the creek and ascend a small hill to the rest of the trails.  There is a veritable spaghetti bowl of trails up there, so you can really choose your own distance.  I've done a couple of them, and even with a map, it is easy to get turned around since they're so twisty.  Horses are allowed on these trails, so there is a good amount of horse poop (dogs think that is super fun to roll in!) but I've never actually seen a horse in the 5+ times I've been there this year.

Log Photos
First creek crossing
Area around Onion Creek District Park