Through Dog Canyon And Beyond

This is where the trail starts/ends. Dog Canyon can be seen in the background.
User: Blaze - 11/21/2013

Location: Big Bend - Dog Canyon

Rating: 2point5stars
Difficulty: 1point5stars  Solitude: 2point5stars
Miles Hiked: 8.60 Miles  Elapsed Time: 2 hours, 55 minutes

Comments: I hiked to Dog Canyon and kept going until I left the park boundary. The trail to Dog Canyon was flat and somewhat boring, but the canyon was magnificent. I kept hiking through the dry arroyo until it took me outside of the park boundary and onto private property. The trail was a little boring, but I saw a couple of peregrine falcons -- awesome birds!

Once I turned around, I decided to get out of the arroyo and hike along some dirt roads until I reached the park boundary. There I had to reenter the arroyo to get back to Dog Canyon.

Log Photos
View Of The Trail
Awesome Rock Formations
More Awesome Rocks
Park Boundary
Park Boundary