San Angelo State Park

50.00 Miles
4stars (4.19)576
halfstar (0.90)
4point5stars (4.64)
San Angelo
Tom Green
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A Very Photogrnic White Crowned Sparrow.
Numerous sparrows were seen and this guy is a good representative of them. (Photo by MikeHikes)
Ducks Love Water
and there is a good amount in the North Concho River at this time! Much, much more water is needed but the ducks aren't complaining so I won't either. (Photo by MikeHikes)
A lone hawk surveying the area waiting for a sunrise meal. (Photo by MikeHikes)
A Colorful Mesquite
The mesquites are losing their leaves as the leaves change color from green to yellow and brown. (Photo by MikeHikes)
A Long Time Ago
this sign was needed. Nowadays, it is a relic of a bygone time rather than a valid warning. The lake is currently at 8% capacity. (Photo by MikeHikes)
No Threat Detected
Quite a few deer were seen in the South Shore because hunting was on-going in the park's Mid and North sections. These deer saw me, let me take a photo and then departed further South in the sanctuary. (Photo by MikeHikes)
First for the Season Ruby Crowned Kinglet.
This is one of the pair of Kinglets I saw today on Lanky Lackey. A fearless, very busy little bird that comes quite close to you. (Photo by MikeHikes)
Orphan or just Curious?
This young javelina acted as if he wanted to follow me. Not wanting to meet the parent(s), I took his photo and then made noise to scare him away - it worked. (Photo by MikeHikes)
Watch Out!
Hunting season is on-going at the Northern end of the park - this guy would be a nice trophy. He better stay here in the South Shore where he's safe. (Photo by MikeHikes)
Feral Hog Encounter!
These three feral hogs didn't see me on the trail until I deliberately made noise. Once they saw me, they trotted back into the bush. (Photo by MikeHikes)
Scenic View on Horny Toad Trail
An early morning view from the high point of Horny Toad Trail. The reservoir is less than 8% full but some water is a lot better than no water. (Photo by MikeHikes)
Watch Your Step!
This is one of the numerous tiny toads encountered today. Note the ant by him for a good size comparison. I saw at least 30-40 hopping along the trail this morning. (Photo by MikeHikes)

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Log Entries
South Shore - Playground parking area to Isabel Harte Loop
By MikeHikes on 1/12/2025
Rating: 4stars Difficulty: halfstar Solitude: 4stars
Distance: 4.30 Miles Duration: 2 hours

Route -  Playground parking area > Horny Toad Trailhead > Tasajilla Flats > Nature Trail > service road (N) > Chaparral > Playground parking area     4.3 miles

Temp started at 44, ended at 50.  Sunny w/steady 10mph Northerly wind.

Easy hike along damp to dry trails.  All trails easy to see and traverse.  Small birds were visible this morning as well as a small group of deer.  There were more people on the trails than expected but it was not a large number, just more than expected.

LOTS of White Crowned Sparrows (photo attached).  Also saw Mockingbirds, Pryluxoiia, a Loggerhead Shrike and a few Golden Fronted Woodpeckers.  Weather was cool and the wind was constant but it was still a very nice hike.


Water, shade, info kiosk, toilets and a bicycle repair station are available at Playground parkign rea.


North Shore - Bell's Trailhead to Cougar Overlook - Short Figure 8
By MikeHikes on 1/3/2025
Rating: 4stars Difficulty: 1star Solitude: 5stars
Distance: 7.80 Miles Duration: 4 hours

Leg 1 -  Bell's Trailhead > Shady Trail > Trailhead to Trailhead (S) > North Scenic Loop > Trailhead to Trailhead (S) > service road (W) > Badlands > River Bend Trail > service road (N) > Cougar Overlook     4.2 miles

Leg 2 -  Cougar Overlook > Javelina > River Bend (N) > Lower Ghost Camp > River Bend Campground > Lower Ghost Camp (N) > South Slick Rock > Trailhead to Trailhead (N) > Lower Big Hill > service road (dirt) (N) > Dinosaur Trail (N) > Trailhead to Trailhead (N) > Bell's Trailhead    3.6 miles

Temp started at 34, ended at 52.  Sunny then overcast with a steady 5mph Northerly wind.

Easy hike along dry and familiar trails.  It's been a few months since I've hiked at the North Shore.  What surprised me the most is that the North Concho River has water in it and it is flowing - albeit a V-E-R-Y S-L-O-O-O-W flow but a little flow is better than no flow.  Because of the cold, there was minimal animal activity except for a few deer and a Great Horned Owl sitting at the top of a bare tree.

As the day lightened, more birds were seen including Cardinals and ducks (photo attached) but not in great numbers. 

This was the first hike for the year -

Starting mileage - 4636.7

Avg hike distance - 8.05


Info kiosk and a bicycle repair station are availabvle at Bell's Trailhead.  Water and shade are available at nearby campsites.

Shade, info kiosk and a bicycle repair station are available at Cougar Overlook.

Water, shade, info kiosk and dry toilets are available at the River Bend Campground.

South Shore - Playground parking area to Armadillo Ridge Loop
By MikeHikes on 12/30/2024
Rating: 4stars Difficulty: halfstar Solitude: 5stars
Distance: 9.60 Miles Duration: 4 hours, 30 minutes

Leg 1 -  Playground parking area > Horny Toad Trailhead > Tasajilla Flats > Nature Trail > Lanky Lackey > Roller Coaster      3.3 miles

Leg 2 -  Roller Coaster > West Potts Creek > Potts Creek > Burkett Trail > Burkett Park     3.5 miles

Leg 3 -  Burkett Park > Winding Snake >Chaparral > Playground parking area    2.8 miles

Temp started at 50, ended at 80.  Sunny with a 10-15mph Westerly breeze.

Relaxing hike along dry and familiar trails.  NUMEROUS deer were seen south of Burkett Park.  Quite a few birds were out as well including hawks (photo attached), a Great Horned owl, various small birds and some large flocks of black birds traveling to the lake. 

Nothing really happened - it was just a relaxing hike.


Miles at beginning of year --  4298.3

Miles at end of the year    --- 4636.7

Miles hiked for the year    ---  338.4

Number of hikes for year   ---  41


Water, shade, info kiosk, toilets and a bicycle repair station are available at Playground parking area.

Water, shade, info kiosk and dry toilets available at Burkett Park.

South Shore - Playground parking area to Burkett Park (Short Loop)
By MikeHikes on 12/25/2024
Rating: 4stars Difficulty: halfstar Solitude: 4point5stars
Distance: 5.80 Miles Duration: 3 hours

Leg 1 -  Playground parking area > Horny Toad Trailhead > Horny Toad> Nature Trail > Lanky Lackey > WS to LL Connector > Burkett Park  3.0 miles

Leg 2 -  Burkett Park > Winding Snake > Chaparral > Playground parking area   2.8 miles

Temps started at 50, ended at 58.  Overcast then clearing to sunny skies and light breeze.

Easy hike along dry and familiar trails.  Bird activity was good and we saw a Loggerhead Shrike, Kestrel, Mockers, Meadowlarks, Phyrluxxia, Sparrows, a Curved Billed Thrasher and white crowned sparrows.  A few deer were seen as well as a lone Cottontail Rabbit.

Good relaxing hike!


Water, shade, info kiosk, toilets and a bicycle repair station are available at Playground parking area.

Water, shde, info kiosk and dry toilets availavle at Burkett Park.  EQUESTRIANS - the horse trough is still dry but water is available at the fountain.

Park Mid-section - Burkett Park to Cougar Overlook
By MikeHikes on 12/13/2024
Rating: 4stars Difficulty: halfstar Solitude: 5stars
Distance: 8.00 Miles Duration: 4 hours

Leg 1 -  Burkett park > WS to LL Connector > Roller Coaster Trail > West Potts Creek > Turkey Creek > 5 Points Junction > River Bend Trail > service road (NW) > Cougar Overlook     5.2 miles

Leg 2 - Cougar Overlook > Flintstone Trail > Trailhead to Trailhead (S) > Burkett Trail > Burkett Park   >  2.8 miles

Temp stayed at 50 and ended at 64.  Cloudy and overcast for Leg 1 then clear, sunny and windy (SW 15-20mph) for Leg 2.

Easy hike along dry, easy to see and traverse trails.  The trails seem to be noticeably rockier due to wind and rain eroding the loose soil from the trails.  Consequently, caution is advised on some trails due to the possibility of twisting an ankle on the uneven rocky trail foundation.  Not all trails are like this but more than enough are so watch your step.  I was very surprised when I crossed Turkey Creek and saw flowing water!  Granted it was not a steady rushing stream but even a trickle is better than nothing.

Very few birds were seen and the only wildlife I saw were three deer right when I came into the park. 


Water, shade, info kiosk and dry toilets are available at Burkett Park.  EQUESTRIANS - the horse trough is dry but water is available via a hose at the fountain.

Water, shade, and info kiosk available at 5 Points Junction.  A horse trough is available as well.

Shade, info kiosk and a bicycle repair station are available at Cougar Overlook.

South Shore - Playground to Burkett Park (Short Loop) + Roadrunner Loop
By MikeHikes on 12/5/2024
Rating: 4stars Difficulty: halfstar Solitude: 5stars
Distance: 8.80 Miles Duration: 4 hours, 30 minutes

Leg 1 -  Playground parking area > Chaparral > Talley Valley > Horny Toad > Nature Trail > Lanky Lackey > WS to LL Connector > Burkett park     3.1 miles

Leg 2 -  Burkett Park > Winding Snake > Chaparral > Playground parking area   2.7 miles

Leg 3 -  Playground parking area > Roadrunner Loop > Playground parking area   3.1 miles

Temp started at 44, ended at 54.  Overcast, damp with 0-5mph NE breeze.  Later, a little more sun with 5-15mph NE wind.

A very nice, easy hike along damp trails that were easy to see and traverse.  Hunting was going on along the park Mid and North sections so I saw quite a few deer in the South Shore "sanctuary".  Unfortunately there were no other animals present and not many birds either.  Not much to report.


Water, shade, info kiosk, toilets and a bicycle repair station are available at the Playground parking area.

Water, shade, info kiosk and dry toilets available at Burkett Park.  EQUESTRIANS - the horse trough only has rain water in it but a water hose is available.

Water and shade are available at numerous campsites along Roadrunner Loop.  There are three stations that have water, shade, info kiosk and toilets along the Loop as well.


South Shore - Playground parking area to Burkett Park Loop
By MikeHikes on 11/25/2024
Rating: 4stars Difficulty: halfstar Solitude: 5stars
Distance: 6.70 Miles Duration: 3 hours, 20 minutes

Leg 1 -  Playground parking area > Chaparral > Red Dam Loop > Chaparral > Winding Snake > Burkett Park   3.2 miles

Leg 2 -  Burkett Park > WS to LL Connector > Lanky Lackey > Nature Trail > Tasajilla Flats > Playground parking area   3.5 miles

Temp started at 50, ended at 55.  Sunny, light SW breeze changed to NW 10-15mph wind.

An easy hike along dew dampened trails that were easy to see and traverse.  A few strands of Gayfeather flowers were seen as well as a large number of Bee Bush shrubs!  Quite a few deer were out as well as two hawks, a javelina and a pair of Ruby Crowned Kinglets (photo attached) - the first ones I've seen this Winter.  It was a quiet, enjoyable hike overall.


Water, shade, info kiosk, toilets and a bicycle repair station are available at Playground Parking Area.

Water, shade, info kiosk and dry toilets available at Burkett Park.  NOTE TO EQUESTRIANS - the horse trough is still dry but water is available via a hose at the fountain.

Park Mid-section - Burkett Park to Cougar Overlook Loop
By MikeHikes on 11/15/2024
Rating: 4stars Difficulty: halfstar Solitude: 5stars
Distance: 8.00 Miles Duration: 4 hours

Leg 1 -  Burkett Park > Burkett Trail > Trailhead to Trailhead (Long) > Cougar Overlook       3.0 miles

Leg 2 -  Cougar Overlook > Flintstone > 5 Points Junction > Turkey Creek > Potts Creek (NNE) > Burkett Trail > Burkett Park     5.0 miles

Temp started at 44, ended at 68.  Sunny, infrequent 0-5mph SW breeze.

Easy hike along damp to muddy trails.  Trails are easy to see and traverse but there are spots where, due to the recent heavy rains, the topsoil is gone and the trail is very rocky.  Yet in other spots, the trail is smooth with the additional topsoil was on top of the rocks!  Just be aware that the same trail can have different characteristics.

Not many animals spotted although I was surprised to see this very young javelina (photo attached).  He came out of the underbrush and did not hesitate to walk towards me.  I had no desire to meet his parent so I made noise and the javelina ran into the brush and disappeared.  Hopefully he had merely wandered away from his parent and was not an orphan.


Water, shade, info kiosk and dry toilets available at Burkett Park.  Horse trough is still dry.

Shade, info kiosk and a bicycle repair station are available at Cougar Overlook.

Water, shade, and info kiosk are available at 5 Points Junction.

South Shore - Playground to Burkett Park + Roadrunner Loop
By MikeHikes on 11/6/2024
Rating: 4stars Difficulty: halfstar Solitude: 5stars
Distance: 9.90 Miles Duration: 4 hours, 30 minutes

Leg 1 -  Playground parking area > Horny Toad Trailhead > Tasajilla Flats> Nature Trail > Lanky Lackey > WS to LL Connector > Burkett Park   3.8 miles

Leg 2 -  Burkett park > Winding Snake > Chaparral > Playground parking area     2.9 miles

Leg 3 -  Playground parking area > Roadrunner Loop > Playground parking area   3.2 miles

Temps started at 44, ended at 77.  Sunny with 0-5mph SW breeze.

Easy hike along familiar trails.  Hunting was on-going from Burkett Park North so those trails were closed.  Deer, javelinas and numerous birds were spotted.  There were no other people on the trails so it was anice and relaxing hike.


Water, shade, info kiosk, toilets and a bicycle repair staion available at Playground Parking Arera.

Water, shade, info kiosk and dry toilets available at Burkett Park.  NOTE - on this day the water trough was empty and looked ready to be cleaned.

Water and shade available at numerous campsites along Roadrunner Loop.  Three places have toilets, water and info kiosks.

South Shore - Roadrunner Loop
By MikeHikes on 10/16/2024
Rating: 4stars Difficulty: halfstar Solitude: 5stars
Distance: 3.10 Miles Duration: 1 hour, 30 minutes

Leg 1 -  Playground parking area > Roadrunner Loop > Playground parking area

Temp started at 57, ended at 64.  Sunny with a steady ENE wind at 10-15mph.

A simple, easy exercise hike along Roadrunner Trail Loop.  Nothing of import to report, just had to get out and stretch my legs.  No photos for this trip.


Water, shade, info kiosk, toilets and a bicycle repair station are available at Playground parking area.

Water and shade available at campsites along Roadrunner Loop.  There are three stations along the trail that provide water, shade, info kiosk and toilets.

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