Always a great hike
Panther Canyon Nature Trail
- 5/14/2005
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Distance: 1.90 Miles
Duration: N/A
It is amazing how Landa Park is full of people, yet the Panther Canyon Trail is almost empty. --------------
The Parks department went to a lot of trouble this year and put in lots of signs and benches. Sadly, within two weeks almost all the signs are destroyed or defaced and even some of the benches are now broken. -----------------The hike was wonderful as always and usually takes about 35 minutes in and out (I do a small loop at end of the hike instead of just turning around-this loop takes you up one side of the canyon and gives a good short cardio work out---the loop is not on any official map, but is easy to find---when your almost to the end of the hike, the path forks- take the right fork which takes you up a short distance along the canyon. The trail is pretty easy to follow and leads you back down along the main trail within 5 minutes.
Great Hike
Old Hancock Trail
- 5/1/2005
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Distance: 4.00 Miles
Duration: N/A
Easy Hike, but wonderful--only went in about 2 miles and back out. Would not want to hike in summer--no shade and if you go--take sunscreen! Others mentioned trail was wet last year--totally dry now. No one around except a couple people on horses. Saw 4 deer and many birds! If you don't mind the sun and want an easy hike with solitude--this is the one!