Lots of Trails
Walnut Creek Park
- 1/3/2003
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Rating: N/A

Distance: 5.38 Miles
Duration: N/A
Hiked all over the park today with my son. This park has lots of trails with mountain bike riders so you have to keep an eye on the trail ahead of you at all times. The trails criss cross the creek lots of times so where shoes you can get wet or just wait till it has not rained in a while. Good hiking close to home.
Pines Needles
Bastrop State Park - Lost Pines Trail
- 1/1/2003
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Rating: N/A

Distance: 9.83 Miles
Duration: N/A
If you want a quiet hike this is it. All I could hear most of the day was the wind blowing in the trees. Lots of pine needles and leaves on the ground made for a soft trail. The trail was wet in some places from the rain a few days earlier but with the needles the mud can be avoided. I also hiked a few other short trails today and that is why my mileage is high. This park is worth the drive.
A waters edge hike
Good Water Trail
- 12/28/2002
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Rating: N/A

Distance: 5.70 Miles
Duration: N/A
I hiked on this trail out to the little water fall. I had the trail to myself on the way out but passed 22 hikers on the way back to the car. The is a rocky but mostly level trail. I would have liked to hike more of the trail but had a limited amount of time this morning. This would be a good warm weather hike also because if you get hot you can jump in the lake.
I hiked in the park as part of a geocache.
McKinney Roughs
- 12/27/2002
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Rating: N/A

Distance: 6.71 Miles
Duration: N/A
I stayed on the south side of the park trails. The trails are very well marked and clean. The trails were muddy from the rain but when you check in at the office they will tell you where the bad parts are located. I did not see anyone else on the trails today and that is part of the reason to come to this park.