awesome park
Stephen F. Austin State Historical Park
- 8/11/2009
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Distance: 3.40 Miles
Duration: 4 hours, 15 minutes
Although the entrance is near a golf course, once you are surrounded by these beautiful trees, you feel removed from civilization. The shade made it alot easier to enjoy the park and there is access to the river. We saw lots of deer and a few snakes. It was great for beginners or people looking for a pretty walk. It tooks us a while because we like to stop, take pictures and enjoy being away
Horseshoe lk,pilant slough,creekfld lk,redbuckeye
Brazos Bend State Park
- 8/11/2009
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Distance: 4.80 Miles
Duration: 10 hours, 20 minutes
the horseshoe lake trail was long and had some open areas where the sun was intense, but it was secluded and very pretty. we only saw one or two people on this trail. I suggest bringing bugspray b/c mosquitos were bad on this trail. The pilant slough was kinda crowded at times but still have very pretty views and neat bridges.Watch where you're going tthough b/c there are a few spiderwebs that loom over the trail, but not too bad. The Red buckeye was my favorite so far.(i plan on hiking the entire park) It was shady and the bugs werent bad(except a few spiders). You get great views of both Big Creek and the Brazos River, and it was very remote... One word of advice, BRING WATER and snacks...especially if you're hiking in July or August.