Nice hike close to home
Wild Basin
- 3/25/2007
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Distance: 2.00 Miles
Duration: 1 hour, 30 minutes
This is a nice little walk for an afternoon. The Arroyo Vista loop would be great for young kids, but the other paths, farther from the trailhead, might be a little difficult. The interpretive pamphlet provides a nice introduction to common Hill Country flora like the Ashe Juniper and Plateau Live Oak. The best part is definitely the falls, which were flowing nicely after the recent rains.
Mary Moore Searight Park
- 3/25/2007
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Distance: 1.00 Mile
Duration: 30 minutes
There's a field in the middle of the jogging loop that is specifically desinated as a "Wildflower Area." With all the rains recently I expected it to be full of flowers. There were a lot of Bluebonnets, which made the short work worthwhile. Maybe later in the season there will be more variety.