Always a Good Hike
Palo Duro - Givens, Spicer & Lowry Running Trail
- 5/26/2008
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Distance: 8.50 Miles
Duration: 3 hours, 57 minutes
I've hit this trail several times now. It is always awesome. Although this late in the year it is getting a little hot for the unprepared. As it was Memorial Day weekend, a lot of people were out and about. I always get a chuckle because most folks don't come prepared and/or underappreciate the distance. For those who haven't hiked it before - there is NO WATER ON THE TRAIL. There is a creekbed, but unless you come during the rainy season, it is generally dry much of the time. I always get a chuckle because I always spot folks who bring no water or only one bottle. A good bit of the trail is out in the sun with minimal shade and part of which is also out of the wind. A four+ hour hike in temps over 90 degrees is a little much for most folks. I can't wait until July/August when it gets in the 100s. When you near the outer edge of the loop at the Lighthouse there is a bit of climbing up a steep 'staircase'. Some of the boards are a little loose. For those out of shape, take a breather before ascending. The view from the top is second to none. It is always worth it. Always bring a poncho/windbreaker just in case as well. You never know when a storm will come through and drop temps and add huge winds. I highly recommend this trail to those who haven't been there before, it is awesome. But don't go unprepared.
Coyote Run/Spillway Trail
Cleburne State Park
- 4/1/2007
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Distance: 6.70 Miles
Duration: 4 hours, 30 minutes
I used to be a regular on this trail taking my dog for a walk on it about once a week. I would either start from the Coyote Run end and go to the Spillway end and back or vice versa. There is a spot about halfway through where you can duck down the lakeside and take a dip. I like this aspect since it wasn't in a designated swimming area I would let my pooch take a good swim. Every once and awhile we would practice retrieval of decoys. Another nice plus is that the trail is well shaded in most areas. This length of th trail can be a little steep and rocky in spots but nothing unmanageable. There is a small steep spot around the spillway. The Camp Creek/Fossil Ridge/Whispering Meadow leg isn't quite as scenic and follows the fenceline a good bit of the way. The local mountain biking community has left a few amusing signs along this leg. There is one spot along this leg in particular that is a bit 'fun' on foot. I don't know how those folks on mountain bikes manage it. The entire loop is very popular with mountain bikers BTW. I think the local group is out there every Saturday morning at 10 AM. Just be prepared to yield when they coming barrelling over a hill. Its also always good for a giggle too when you see some poor bloke hefting his bike up the hill because it was too steep or they broke something. Supposedly the lake is one of the premier bass fishing spots in the state. The whole park can be quite busy during holiday weekends so be warned and be ready to run across a gaggle of scout troops. The shade along the trails makes this a reasonable trail compared to others during the 'hot' season.