Milton Reimers Ranch
- 12/26/2008
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Distance: 3.00 Miles
Duration: 2 hours
We walked down the canyon until we could see the climbing wall. It was really pretty here, but we couldn't tell if there was a trail that would wind down to the river so we decided to hike the bluff. A really beautiful hike here though in some areas it was hard to determine where to cross the little ravine. However, we figured it out and went all the way to the beach which is really nice. The river is gorgeous and our dogs really liked swimming for a bit. Great place to hike with dogs as there are several places they can cool off and drink water. Along the bluff hike there are several interesting geological sites. We saw some small caves. Next time, I'd like to hike one of the double diamond trails for the mountain bikers. The topo map drawn next to the difficulty levels seems to offer really varied ups and downs. Definitely plan on hiking more here. If anyone hikes down to the climbing wall, please comment on the trails that go off from there.
Country Club Creek Trail
- 12/14/2008
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Distance: 4.00 Miles
Duration: 1 hour, 30 minutes
I parked in the back of Krieg fields and hiked the Country Club Trail as well as the trail mentioned here--- going through Pleasant Valley tunnel and hiking a few miles with on the Lady Bird Trail. I had never seen the Colorado River from this vantage point (other side of dam) and really enjoyed the Buffle Heads and other ducks that were circling in the water below. Lots of trash everywhere and grafitti giving it a definite flavor. It is nice to check out new places, and this will be a one time visit for me here.