Pedernales Falls - 5.5 Mile Loop
- 5/23/2005
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Rating: N/A

Distance: 6.00 Miles
Duration: N/A
This was our second time back to the park and is was as awesome as the last time. We finished up the parts that we didn't get to last time and played in the water. The water is a lot faster than it looks, I beat my shins up pretty good on the rocks. The falls are beautiful!! If you do go there and you drive through Blanco, you MUST stop at the Sunset Resturant! It is excellent!
Pedernales Falls - Falls Trail
- 5/23/2005
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Distance: 1.00 Mile
Duration: N/A
The heat probably drove most people away, there wasn't anyone in sight when we went to the falls. They're awesome!
First hike, really enjoyed.
Friedrich Wilderness Park
- 5/16/2005
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Distance: 4.00 Miles
Duration: N/A
Good for those who live in San Antonio and want to do a short hike after work or something.
Enchanted Rock
- 5/14/2005
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Distance: 4.50 Miles
Duration: N/A
You can never trust the weather! The day was reported to have thunderstorms and such, but it was clear and beautiful. We hadn't hiked in a while, so it was good for us. The rock was great, not really something I feel the need to do again. If possible, on the way down go to the left of the rock. It's a steep way down, but it's more fun and difficult than going back down the way you came. You should go into the town if you get the chance too, nice little German town.
Eisenhower Park
- 4/23/2005
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Distance: 5.00 Miles
Duration: N/A
I went on the weekend and there were LOTS of people there. Other than that, it's an ok hike. Good afternoon hike for people who live in San Antonio.